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Going Beyond Diet Goals, Why Men Should Consider TRT After 50

TRT, Altius Performance Medicine

Life begins at 50, or so they say. With the wisdom of age comes a wealth of experiences and accomplishments, but it can also bring a unique set of health challenges. Men over 50 often find themselves grappling with issues related to vitality, energy, and overall well-being. While maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine […]

Why Diet Isn’t Always Enough for a Healthy Lifestyle

men's health

In the quest for optimal health, there is a prevailing belief among many men: that a proper diet, combined with rigorous exercise, is the magic bullet. While it is undeniable that a balanced diet and regular physical activity are fundamental pillars of well-being, they aren’t the entire picture. Several underlying factors can hinder progress, even […]

The Roles of Testosterone Replacement Therapy and Medicine During Weight Loss

In our ever-evolving understanding of health and wellness, weight loss emerges not just as a pursuit of aesthetic appeal, but as a quest for improved overall health, longevity, and enhanced quality of life. The complexities of the human body mean that each individual’s weight loss journey is distinct, influenced by genetics, lifestyle, and even emotional […]

Health Tips for Men Approaching Middle Age

The journey into middle age is an important transition, marked by changes that have significant implications for one’s health. As men approach this phase, maintaining good health requires more attention. This piece highlights key health and lifestyle tips that men nearing middle age can adopt to thrive during this time. Physical activity is a crucial […]

Understanding the Relationship Between Testosterone and the Male Identity

For centuries, society has assigned characteristics such as strength, vigor, and vitality to the male identity. These traits, along with others such as aggression and competitiveness, are often linked to testosterone, a hormone predominantly found in men. As an integral part of men’s health, testosterone plays a crucial role in shaping physical attributes and behavior […]

The Importance of Men’s Health and Testosterone Levels

In recent years, awareness of men’s health and wellness has gradually gained momentum. Despite this, many men continue to neglect their health, particularly their testosterone levels, often with dire consequences. Testosterone, a hormone chiefly produced in the testicles, is instrumental in the development of male growth and masculine characteristics. Aside from defining a man’s sexuality, […]

Why Men Lose Testosterone with Age and How Testosterone Replacement Therapy Can Help

As we grow older, our bodies undergo numerous changes, some of which are quite subtle, others quite evident. For men, one such change is the gradual decline in testosterone levels, a primary male sex hormone that plays a pivotal role in their health and well-being. This natural decrease in testosterone levels is known as late-onset […]

Fighting the Excuses That Are Holding You Back from Achieving Your Fitness Goals

When it comes to fitness, we all have goals we want to achieve. Whether it’s losing weight, building muscle, or improving our overall health, the path to success is often hindered by excuses. These excuses may seem valid in the moment, but they ultimately hold us back from reaching our full potential. It’s time to […]

Testosterone Replacement Therapy in Florida

If you’ve heard about testosterone replacement therapy and you’re not sure what to think about it, consider this. Testosterone replacement therapy can make you stronger, give you more energy, and more. In short, it can do a lot to improve your life and your health. If you live in the state of Florida, you should […]